VisionCpp  0.0.1
experimental Directory Reference


file  experimental.hpp [code]
 This header gathers all experimental operations.
file  OP_AbsSub.hpp [code]
 It gets the absolute difference between 2 images.
file  OP_Add.hpp [code]
 It adds the values pixel by pixel of two images.
file  OP_AniDiff.hpp [code]
 It applies a simplified version of the anisotropic diffusion.
file  OP_Div.hpp [code]
 It divides two matrices element-wise.
file  OP_FloatToF32C3.hpp [code]
 Converts from uchar to float and float to uchar.
file  OP_Median.hpp [code]
 It applies the median filter in an image.
file  OP_Merge2Chns.hpp [code]
 It merges 2 matrices of one channels into one matrix of 2 channels.
file  OP_Mul.hpp [code]
 Element-wise matrix multiplication.
file  OP_PowerOf2.hpp [code]
 It calculates the power of 2 of a matrix.
file  OP_Scale.hpp [code]
 It scales the pixel value of an image by a factor.
file  OP_Sub.hpp [code]
 It calculates the difference between 2 images.
file  OP_Thresh.hpp [code]
 it applies a threshold operation in the image