VisionCpp  0.0.1
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 assign.hppThis file contains the Assign struct which is used to allocate the result of the right hand side expression (RHS) to the left hand side expression LHS
 complex_ops.hppThis file contains a set of includes and forward declaration required to build complex operations like pyramid
 convert.hppSeries of pixel convert functions
 device.hppInclude headers for adding different devices
 sycl/device.hppThis file contains the include headers for sycl devices
 eval_assign.hppThis file contains the specialisation of the Evaluator struct for assign when it is a root struct
 eval_assign_partial.hppThis file contains the specialisation of the Evaluator struct for assign when it is a root struct
 eval_expr_assign.hppThis file contains the specialisation of EvalExpr for Assign when it is not a root
 eval_expr_leaf_node.hppThis file contains the specialisation of the EvalExpr for LeafNode
 eval_expr_r_binary.hppThis file contains the specialisation of the EvalExpr for RBiOP( pointwise Binary operation node)
 eval_expr_r_unary.hppThis file contains the specialisation of the EvalExpr for RUnOP( pointwise Unary operation node)
 eval_expr_reduction.hppThis file contains the specialisation of the EvalExpr for RDCN( reduction operation node)
 eval_expr_stn_filt.hppThis file contains the specialisation of the EvalExpr for StnFilt( stencil node with filter )
 eval_expr_stn_no_filt.hppThis file contains the specialisation of the EvalExpr for StnFilt( stencil node without filter)
 eval_expression.hppThis file contains a collection of headers that required for eval_expression
 evaluator.hppThis file contains a collection of headers and forward declaration for evaluating an expression tree
 executor.hppThis files contains a series of forward declaration and include files required for executing an expression tree
 executor_subexpr_if_needed.hppThis file contains required classes for break an expression tree into subexpression trees for particular nodes when it is needed
 experimental.hppThis header gathers all experimental operations
 expr_convertor.hppThis is used to replace the leaf node with a PlaceHolder node
 expr_tree.hppThis file contains the forward declarations and all the necessary include headers for the construction of static expression trees
 extract_accessors.hppThis files is used to provide an access mechanism for terminal nodes on the device
 forward_declarations.hppForward declarations for the library
 framework.hppCollection of VisionCpp framework headers
 fuse.hppThis file contains the specialisation of the FuseExpr for terminal and non-terminal nodes
 leaf_count.hppLeafCount used to counting terminal nodes
 leaf_node.hppThis file contains the LeafNode struct which is a general representation of our terminal node in the expression tree
 local_mem_count.hppLocalmemCount used to counting terminal nodes
 local_output.hppThis file contains the different specialisations of the LocalOutput
 make_place_holder_expr.hppPlaceHolder expression helper is used to create an expression in which the leafNodes of visionMemories has been replaced by leafNodes of PlaceHolders
 mem_const.hppSpecialisations of SyclMem type when we are passing constant variable to the device
 mem_coordinate.hppThis files contains the Coordinate struct which is used to specify local/global offset for local/global access to the local/global memory for each thread on the device
 mem_neighbour.hppThis file contains different types of memory required for executing neighbour operation to calculate each pixel output
 mem_prop.hppSeries of pixel convert functions
 mem_virtual.hppThis file contains the VirtualMemory struct
 mem_vision.hppThis file contains the memory struct used to store {Sycl buffer , Host pointer or Sycl image}
 memory.hppThis file contains a set of forward declarations and include headers required for constructing and accessing memory on both host and device
 memory_access.hppThis file contains a set of forward declarations and include headers required for constructing and accessing memory on both host and device
 neighbour_ops.hppThis file contains a set of includes used to construct neighbour nodes in expression tree
 nofuse.hppThis file contains the specialisation of the NoFuseExpr for different nodes
 OP_AbsSub.hppIt gets the absolute difference between 2 images
 OP_Add.hppIt adds the values pixel by pixel of two images
 OP_AniDiff.hppIt applies a simplified version of the anisotropic diffusion
 OP_BGRToRGB.hppIt converts BGR pixel to RGB pixel
 OP_Broadcast.hppThis file contains a struct to set pixel to the value passed in
 OP_Div.hppIt divides two matrices element-wise
 OP_DownsampleAverage.hppThis file contains the downsampling filter using average technique
 OP_DownsampleClosest.hppThis files contains downsampling filter using closest technique If the number of channel is different in your case feel free to write your own
 OP_F32C3ToU8C3.hppIt converts F32C3 pixel to U8C3 pixel
 OP_Filter2D.hppThis file apply the general convolution
 OP_FloatToF32C3.hppConverts from uchar to float and float to uchar
 OP_GaussianBlur3x3.hppThis file apply the Gaussian blur 3x3
 OP_HSVToRGB.hppIt converts HSV pixel to RGB pixel
 OP_HSVToU8C3.hppIt converts HSV pixel to U8C3 pixel
 OP_Median.hppIt applies the median filter in an image
 OP_Merge2Chns.hppIt merges 2 matrices of one channels into one matrix of 2 channels
 OP_Mul.hppElement-wise matrix multiplication
 OP_PowerOf2.hppIt calculates the power of 2 of a matrix
 OP_RGBToBGR.hppIt converts RGB pixel to BGR pixel
 OP_RGBToGREY.hppIt converts RGB pixel to Grey pixel
 OP_RGBToHSV.hppIt converts RGB pixel to HSV pixel
 OP_Scale.hppIt scales the pixel value of an image by a factor
 OP_ScaleChannel.hppThis files contains structs that change different channels by factor passed via float f
 OP_SepFilter.hppThis file applies Separable filter convolution
 OP_SepGauss3x3.hppSeparable Gaussian filter for 3x3 filter size
 OP_Sub.hppIt calculates the difference between 2 images
 OP_Thresh.hppIt applies a threshold operation in the image
 OP_U8C3ToF32C3.hppIt converts U8C3 pixel to F32C3 pixel
 opencvinterop.hppThis header gathers all interoperability with OpenCV operations
 ops.hppThis header gathers all operations available in VisionCpp
 ops_conv.hppThis header gathers all convolution operations
 ops_convert.hppThis header gathers all conversion operations
 ops_downsampling.hppThis header gathers all downsampling operations
 parallel_copy.hppThis file contains the ParallelCopy struct which is used to allocate the partial result of the right-hand side expression (RHS) to the (partial block of) left-hand side expression LHS is always a leaf node
 pixel.hppThis file contains definition of underlying pixel types used in VisionCpp
 place_holder_leaf_node.hppThis file contains different specialisations leafNodes for different types of memory
 point_ops.hppThis files contains a set of include headers for point operation node in the expression tree
 pyramid_mem.hppThis file is used to create a pyramid output memory when the auto generate output memory is selected
 pyramid_with_auto_mem_gen.hppThis file contains the construction of the pyramid node where a user can pass general filter2d functor and general downsampling functor to execute
 pyramid_with_auto_mem_sep.hppThis file contains the construction of the pyramid node where a user can pass separable filter2d functor and general downsampling functor to execute
 reduction.hppThis file contains RDCN struct which is used to construct a node to shrink an image
 resizable_binary.hppThis file contains RBiOP (Binary Operation) struct which is used to apply Binary Operation on left hand side(LHS) and right hand side(RHS) operands
 resizable_unary.hppThis file contains RUnOP (Unary Operation) struct which is used to apply Unary Operation on the right hand side(RHS) node
 square_pattern.hppThis file contains the partial specialisation of the Fill for LeafNode
 static_if.hppThis file provides a set of static_if functions used at to calculate the result of if statement at compile time
 stencil_no_filter.hppThis file contains StnNoFilt struct which is used to construct a convolutional operation when the value of the filter is fixed and there is no need to pass it as a parameter
 stencil_with_filter.hppThis file contains the StnNoFilt struct which is used to construct a convolutional operation when the value of the filter is fixed and there is no need to pass it as a parameter
 sycl_device.hppThis fill contains features related to sycl devices
 time.hppBasic time operations
 tools.hppCollection of tools headers
 tuple.hppTuples standard layout implementation
 type_dereferencer.hppThese methods are used to remove all the & const and * from a type
 visioncpp.hppThis file is collection of headers that makes VisionCpp library