VisionCpp  0.0.1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NvisioncppVisionCpp namespace
 NinternalInternal implementations
 NpixelContains VisionCpp pixel type definitions
 COP_BGRToRGBThis functor reorders channels BGR to RGB
 COP_F32C3ToU8C3This functor performs conversion from [0.0f, 1.0f] to [0, 255]
 COP_HSVToRGBFunctor converts HSV(H:[0.0f, 360.f], S:[0.0f, 1.0f] V: [0.0f, 1.0f]) to color RGB(R:[0.0f, 1.0f], G:[0.0f, 1.0f], B:[0.0f, 1.0f])
 COP_HSVToU8C3This functor allows displaying HSV
 COP_RGBToBGRThis functor reorders channels BGR to RGB
 COP_RGBToGREYThis functor performs RGB to GREY convertion following rule: GREY <- 0.299f * R + 0,587f * G + 0.114 * B
 COP_RGBToHSVFunctor converts RGB ( R: 0.0f..1.0f, G: 0.0f..1.0f, B: 0.0f..1.0f) to HSV ( H: 0.0f..360.f, S: 0.0f..1.0f V: 0.0f..1.0f ) color space
 COP_U8C3ToF32C3This functor performs conversion from [0, 255] to [0.0f, 1.0f]
 COP_Filter2DApplying the general convolution for 3 channel Image
 COP_Filter2D_OneApplying the general convolution for 1 channel Image
 COP_GaussianBlur3x3Applying the Gaussian blur 3x3
 COP_SepFilterRowSeparable filter for rows
 COP_SepFilterColSeparable filter for cols
 COP_SepGaussRow3Separable filter for rows
 COP_SepGaussCol3Separable filter for cols
 COP_DownsampleAverageDownsampling filter using average technique Other filters could be added for different numbers of channels
 COP_DownsampleClosestDownsampling filter using closest technique
 COP_AbsSubThis functor uses the sycl::fabs to return the difference
 COP_AddThis functor adds two pixels
 COP_AniDiff_GreyThis functor applies anisotropic diffusion for one channel
 COP_AniDiffThis functor applies anisotropic diffusion for 3 channels
 COP_DivThis functor divides two matrices element-wise
 COP_FloatToF32C3It replicates one channel to 3 channels
 COP_FloatToU8C1It converts float to uchar converting [0.0f, 1.0f] to [0, 255]
 COP_U8C1ToFloatIt converts uchar to float converting range [0, 255] to [0.0f, 1.0f]
 COP_FloatToUCharIt converts float to uchar
 COP_MedianThis functor implements a median filter
 COP_Merge2ChnsThis functor merges 2 matrices into one matrix of 2 channels
 COP_MulThis functor implements an element-wise matrix multiplication
 COP_PowerOf2This functor implements the power of 2 of one matrix
 COP_ScaleScales the pixel value of an image by a factor
 COP_SubThis functor subtracts 2 images
 COP_ThreshImplements a binary threshold
 COP_BroadcastThis functor sets the pixel to the value passed in
 COP_ScaleChannelZeroThis custom functor changes 0 channel by factor passed via float f
 COP_ScaleChannelOneThis custom functor changes 1 channel by factor passed via float f
 COP_ScaleChannelTwoThis custom functor changes 2 channel by factor passed via float f
 COP_CVBGRToRGBThis node is a utility node that does a conversion from cv::Mat ( unsigned char storage; channel order BGR ) to float with order of RGB normalise from opencv format to VisionCpp internal format [0, 255] to [0.0f, 1.0f]
 COP_RGBToCVBGRThis node is a utility node that does a conversion from float with order of RGB to cv::Mat ( unsigned char storage; channel order BGR ) denormalise from VisionCpp base format ( F32C3 ) to opencv 8UC3 (three channel unsigned char)
 COP_GREYToCVBGRFloat between [0.0f, 1.0f] to [0, 255] One channel GREY ( float ) is going to be converted to one channel cv::Mat
 CbackendEnum class that defines supported backends
 CdeviceEnum class that defines supported devices types
 CF32C1This struct is generalisation for three channels float that is perfect for storing pixels of R
 CF32C2This struct is generalisation for three channels float that is perfect for storing pixels of RG and permutations
 CF32C3This struct is generalisation for three channels float that is perfect for storing pixels of RGB and permutations
 CF32C4This struct is generalisation for three channels float that is perfect for storing pixels of RGBA and permutations
 CU8C1This struct is generalisation for three channels float that is perfect for storing pixels of R
 CU8C2This struct is generalisation for three channels unsigned char that is perfect for storing pixels of RG and permutations
 CU8C3This struct is generalisation for three channels unsigned char that is perfect for storing pixels of RGB and permutations
 CU8C4This struct is generalisation for three channels unsigned char that is perfect for storing pixels of RGBA and permutations