## Learning Objectives
* Learn how to allocate memory using USM
* Learn how to copy data to and from USM allocated memory
* Learn how to access data from USM allocated memory in a kernel function
* Learn how to free USM memory allocations
#### Focus on Explicit USM
* Remember that there are different variants of USM; explicit, restricted, concurrent and system.
* Remember also that there are different ways USM memory can be allocated; host, device and shared.
* We're going to focus explicit USM and device allocations - this is the minimum required variant.
#### USM Allocation Types

(from book)
#### Malloc_device
void* malloc_device(size_t numBytes, const queue& syclQueue, const property_list &propList = {});
template <typename T>
T* malloc_device(size_t count, const queue& syclQueue, const property_list &propList = {});
* A USM device allocation is performed by calling one of the `malloc_device` functions.
* Both of these functions allocate the specified region of memory on the `device` associated with the specified `queue`.
* The pointer returned is only accessible in a kernel function running on that `device`.
* Synchronous exception if the device does not have aspect::usm_device_allocations
* This is a blocking operation.
#### Free
void free(void* ptr, queue& syclQueue);
* In order to prevent memory leaks USM device allocations must be free by calling the `free` function.
* The `queue` must be the same as was used to allocate the memory.
* This is a blocking operation.
#### Memcpy
event queue::memcpy(void* dest, const void* src, size_t numBytes, const std::vector &depEvents);
* Data can be copied to and from a USM device allocation by calling the `queue`'s `memcpy` member function.
* The source and destination can be either a host application pointer or a USM device allocation.
* This is an asynchronous operation enqueued to the `queue`.
* An `event` is returned which can be used to synchronize with the completion of copy operation.
* May depend on other events via `depEvents`
#### Memset & fill
event queue::memset(void* ptr, int value, size_t numBytes, const std::vector &depEvents);
event queue::fill(void* ptr, const T& pattern, size_t count, const std::vector &depEvents);
* The additional `queue` member functions `memset` and `fill` provide operations for initializing the data of a USM device allocation.
* The member function `memset` initializes each byte of the data with the value interpreted as an unsigned char.
* The member function `fill` initializes the data with a recurring pattern.
* These are also asynchronous operations.
#### Putting it all together
int square_number(int x){
auto myQueue = queue{};
myQueue.submit([&](handler &cgh){
/* square some number */
return x;
We start with a basic SYCL application which invokes a kernel function with `single_task`.
#### Putting it all together
int square_number(int x){
auto myQueue = queue{usm_selector{}};
myQueue.submit([&](handler &cgh){
/* square some number */
return x;
We initialize the `queue` with the `usm_selector` we wrote in the last exercise, which will choose a device which supports USM device allocations.
#### Putting it all together
int square_number(int x){
auto myQueue = queue{usm_selector{}};
auto devicePtr = malloc_device<int>(1, myQueue);
myQueue.submit([&](handler &cgh){
/* square some number */
return x;
We allocate USM device memory by calling `malloc_device`.
Here we use the template variant and specify type `int`.
#### Putting it all together
int square_number(int x){
auto myQueue = queue{usm_selector{}};
auto devicePtr = malloc_device<int>(1, myQueue);
myQueue.memcpy(devicePtr, &x, sizeof(int)).wait();
myQueue.submit([&](handler &cgh){
/* square some number */
return x;
We copy the value of `x` in the host application to the USM device memory by calling `memcpy` on `myQueue`.
We immediately call `wait` on the returned `event` to synchronize with the completion of the copy operation.
#### Putting it all together
int square_number(int x){
auto myQueue = queue{usm_selector{}};
auto devicePtr = malloc_device<int>(1, myQueue);
myQueue.memcpy(devicePtr, &x, sizeof(int)).wait();
myQueue.submit([&](handler &cgh){
*devicePtr = (*devicePtr) * (*devicePtr);
return x;
We then pass the `devicePtr` directly to the kernel function and access it can then be deferenced and the data written to.
#### Putting it all together
int square_number(int x){
auto myQueue = queue{usm_selector{}};
auto devicePtr = malloc_device<int>(1, myQueue);
myQueue.memcpy(devicePtr, &x, sizeof(int)).wait();
myQueue.submit([&](handler &cgh){
*devicePtr = (*devicePtr) * (*devicePtr);
myQueue.memcpy(&x, devicePtr, sizeof(int)).wait();
return x;
We then copy the result from USM device memory back to the variable x in the host application by calling `memcpy` on `myQueue`.
#### Putting it all together
int square_number(int x){
auto myQueue = queue{usm_selector{}};
auto devicePtr = malloc_device<int>(1, myQueue);
myQueue.memcpy(devicePtr, &x, sizeof(int)).wait();
myQueue.submit([&](handler &cgh){
*devicePtr = (*devicePtr) * (*devicePtr);
myQueue.memcpy(&x, devicePtr, sizeof(int)).wait();
free(devicePtr, myQueue);
return x;
Finally, we free the USM device memory that we allocated.
#### Queue shortcuts
template <typename KernelName, typename KernelType>
event queue::single_task(const KernelType &KernelFunc);
template <typename KernelName, typename KernelType, int Dims>
event queue::parallel_for(range GlobalRange, const KernelType &KernelFunc);
* The `queue` provides shortcut member functions which allow you to invoke a `single_task` or a `parallel_for` without defining a command group.
* These can only be used when using the USM data management model.
#### With the queue shortcut
int square_number(int x){
auto myQueue = queue{usm_selector{}};
auto devicePtr = malloc_device<int>(1, myQueue);
myQueue.memcpy(devicePtr, &x, sizeof(int)).wait();
*devicePtr = (*devicePtr) * (*devicePtr);
myQueue.memcpy(&x, devicePtr, sizeof(int)).wait();
free(devicePtr, myQueue);
return x;
If we use the queue shortcut here it reduces the complexity of the code.
#### Exercise
Implement the vector add from lesson 6 using the USM data management model.