## Local memory
## Learning Objectives * Learn about tiling using local memory * Learn about how to synchronize work-groups
#### Cost of accessing global memory
* As we covered earlier global memory is very expensive to access. * Even with coalesced global memory access if you are accessing the same elements multiple times that can be expensive. * Instead you want to cache those values in a lower latency memory.
#### Why are image convolutions good on a GPU?
![SYCL](../common-revealjs/images/cost_of_global_memory_access.png "SYCL")
* Looking at the image convolution example. * For each output pixel we are reading up to NxM pixels from the input image, where N and M are the dimensions of the filter. * This means each input pixel is being read up to NxM times: * 3x3 filter: up to 9 ops. * 5x5 filter: up to 25 ops. * 7x7 filter: up to 49 ops. * If each of these operations is a separate load from global memory this becomes very expensive.
#### Using local memory
![SYCL](../common-revealjs/images/local_memory.png "SYCL")
* The solution is local memory. * Local memory is generally on-chip and doesn't have a cache as it's managed manually so is much lower latency. * Local memory is a smaller dedicated region of memory per work-group. * Local memory can be used to cache, allowing us to read from global memory just once and then read from local memory instead, often referred to as a scratchpad.
#### Tiling
![SYCL](../common-revealjs/images/tiling.png "SYCL")
* The iteration space of the kernel function is mapped across multiple work-groups. * Each work-group has it's own region of local memory. * You want to split the input image data into tiles, one for each work-group.
#### Local accessors
auto scratchpad = sycl::accessor<int, 1, sycl::access::target::local>(sycl::range{workGroupSize}, cgh);
* Local memory is allocated via an `accessor` with the `access::target::local` access target. * Unlike regular `accessor`s they are not created with a `buffer`, they allocate memory per work-group for the duration of the kernel function. * The `range` provided is the number of elements of the specified type to allocate per work-group.
#### Synchronization
* Local memory can be used to share partial results between work-items. * When doing so it's important to synchronize between writes and read to memory to ensure all work-items have reached the same point in the program.
#### Synchronization
![SYCL](../common-revealjs/images/barrier_1.png "SYCL")
* Remember that work-items are not guaranteed to all execute at the same time (in parallel).
#### Synchronization
![SYCL](../common-revealjs/images/barrier_2.png "SYCL")
* A work-item can share results with other work-items via local (or global) memory.
#### Synchronization
![SYCL](../common-revealjs/images/barrier_3.png "SYCL")
* This means it's possible for a work-item to read a result that hasn't been written to yet. * This creates a data race.
#### Synchronization
![SYCL](../common-revealjs/images/barrier_4.png "SYCL")
* This problem can be solved with a synchronization primitive called a work-group barrier.
#### Synchronization
![SYCL](../common-revealjs/images/barrier_5.png "SYCL")
* When a work-group barrier is inserted work-items will wait until all work-items in the work-group have reached that point.
#### Synchronization
![SYCL](../common-revealjs/images/barrier_6.png "SYCL")
* Only then can any work-items in the work-group continue execution.
#### Synchronization
![SYCL](../common-revealjs/images/barrier_7.png "SYCL")
* So now you can be sure that all of the results that you want to read have been written to.
#### Synchronization
![SYCL](../common-revealjs/images/barrier_8.png "SYCL")
* However note that this does not apply across work-group boundaries. * So if you write in a work-item of one work-group and then read it in a work-item of another work-group you again have a data race. * Furthermore, remember that work-items can only access their own local memory and not that of any other work-groups.
#### Group_barrier
* Work-group barriers can be invoked by calling `group_barrier` and passing a `group` object. * You can retrieve a `group` object representing the current work-group by calling `get_group` on an `nd_item`. * Note this requires the `nd_range` variant of `parallel_for`.
#### Local memory image convolution performance
![SYCL](../common-revealjs/images/image_convolution_performance_local_mem.png "SYCL")
## Questions
#### Exercise
Use local memory to cache a tile of the input image data per work-group.