## Introduction to USM
## Learning Objectives * Learn about the USM data management model * Learn about the benefits of USM and when to use it * Learn about the variations of USM * Learn about the kinds of USM memory allocations
#### What is USM?
Unified shared memory (USM) provides an alternative pointer-based data management model to the accessor-buffer model
* Unified virtual address space * Pointer-based structures * Explicit memory management * Shared memory allocations
#### Unified virtual address space
![SYCL](../common-revealjs/images/unified_virtual_address_space.png "SYCL")
* USM memory allocations return pointers which are consistent between the host application and kernel functions on a device * Representing data between the host and device(s) does not require creating accessors * Pointer-based API more familiar to C or C++ programmers
#### Pointer based structures
![SYCL](../common-revealjs/images/pointer_based_structures.png "SYCL")
* Data is moved between the host and device(s) in a span of memory in bytes rather than a buffer of a specific type * Pointers within that region of memory can freely point to any other address in that region * Easier to port existing C or C++ code to use SYCL
#### Explicit memory management
![SYCL](../common-revealjs/images/explicit_data_movement.png "SYCL")
* Memory is allocated and data is moved using explicit routines * Moving data between the host and device(s) does not require accessors or submitting command groups * The SYCL runtime will not perform any data dependency analysis, dependencies between commands must be managed manually
#### Shared memory allocations
![SYCL](../common-revealjs/images/shared_memory.png "SYCL")
* Some platforms will support variants of USM where memory allocations share the same memory region between the host and device(s) * No explicit routines are required to move the data between the host and device(s)
#### USM allocation types
USM has three different kinds of memory allocation
* A **host** allocation is allocated in host memory * A **device** allocation is allocation in device memory * A **shared** allocation is allocated in shared memory and can migrate back and forth
#### USM variants
USM has four variants which a platform can support with varying levels of support
![SYCL](../common-revealjs/images/usm_variants.png "SYCL")
#### Querying for support
Each SYCL platform and its device(s) will support different variants of USM and different kinds of memory allocation
if (dev.has(sycl::aspect::usm_device_allocations))
#### Buffer/accessor vs USM
So when should you use the accessor/buffer mode and when should you use the USM model?
* The **buffer/accessor** provides guaranteed consistency and automatically manages dependencies * Recommended when you need to iterate over or prototype your application * Recommended for maximum performance portability * Provides a lot of information to the SYCL runtime which can perform many optimizations automatically * The **USM** model provides a lower-level pointer-based solution with fine grained control * Recommended when porting existing C++ applications or using pointer-based structures * User has responsibility for certain aspects relevant for performance (e.g. data transfers or data prefetches)
## Questions
#### Exercise
Implement a device selector that chooses a device in your system which supports explicit USM and device allocations