## Data Parallelism
## Learning Objectives * Learn about task parallelism and data parallelism * Learn about the SPMD model for describing data parallelism * Learn about SYCL execution and memory models * Learn about enqueuing kernel functions with `parallel_for`
#### Task vs data parallelism
![Task vs Data](../common-revealjs/images/task_parallelism_data_parallelism.png "Task parallelism vs data parallelism")
* **Task parallelism** is where you have several, possibly distinct tasks executing in parallel. * In task parallelism you optimize for latency. * **Data parallelism** is where you have the same task being performed on multiple elements of data. * In data parallelism you optimize for throughput.
#### Vector processors
* Many processors are vector processors, which means they can naturally perform data parallelism. * GPUs are designed to be parallel. * CPUs have SIMD instructions which perform the same instruction on a number elements of data.
#### SPMD model for describing data parallelism
Sequential CPU code
void calc(const int in[], int out[]) {
  // all iterations are run in the same
  // thread in a loop
  for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++){
    out[i] = in[i] * in[i];

// calc is invoked just once and all
// iterations are performed inline
calc(in, out);
Parallel SPMD code
void calc(const int in[], int out[], int id) {
  // function is described in terms of
  // a single iteration
  out[id] = in[id] * in[id];

// parallel_for invokes calc multiple
// times in parallel
parallel_for(calc, in, out, 1024);

#### SYCL execution model
* In SYCL kernel functions are executed by **work- items**. * You can think of a work-item as a thread of execution. * Each work-item will execute a SYCL kernel function from start to end. * A work-item can run on CPU threads, SIMD lanes, GPU threads, or any other kind of processing element.
![Work-Item](../common-revealjs/images/workitem.png "Work-Item")
#### SYCL execution model
* Work-items are launched in parallel in a `sycl::range`. * In order to maximize parallelism, the range should correspond to the problem size.
![Work-Group](../common-revealjs/images/SYCL_range.png "Work-Group")
#### Parallel_for
cgh.parallel_for<my_kernel>(range{64, 64}, 
                          [=](id<2> idx){
  // SYCL kernel function is executed 
  // on a range of work-items
* In SYCL, kernel functions can be enqueued to execute over a range of work-items using `parallel_for`. * When using `parallel_for` you must also pass `range` which describes the iteration space over which the kernel is to be executed.
#### Parallel_for
cgh.parallel_for<my_kernel>(range{64, 64}, 
                          [=](id<2> idx){
  // SYCL kernel function is executed 
  // on a range of work-items
* When using `parallel_for` you must also have the function object which represents the kernel function take an `id`. * This represents the current work-item being executed and its position within the iteration space.
#### Expressing parallelism
  [=](id<1> idx){
    /* kernel function code */
  [=](item<1> item){
    /* kernel function code */
  range<1>(32)),[=](nd_item<1> ndItem){
    /* kernel function code */
* Overload taking a **range** object specifies the global range, runtime decides local range * An **id** parameter represents the index within the global range ____________________________________________________________________________________________ * Overload taking a **range** object specifies the global range, runtime decides local range * An **item** parameter represents the global range and the index within the global range ____________________________________________________________________________________________ * Overload taking an **nd_range** object specifies the global and local range * An **nd_item** parameter represents the global and local range and index
## Questions
#### Exercise
Implement a SYCL application that adds two arrays of values together in parallel using `parallel_for`.