
SYCL Academy

Exercise 15: Image Convolution

In this exercise there is no task, simply familiarize yourself with the image convolution reference code, as this will be used in later exercises.

1.) Reference image

For the purposes of this exercise we have provided an image in the exercise directory called “dogs.png”, however feel free to replace this with any other 32bit PNG image, though note that this exercise will work best with images where the dimensions are multiples of 2, such as 512x512.

Note you will have to update the path to an image. There is the image in the repository but feel free to use any image you choose. Though it’s recommend that you use a png image whose dimensions are multiple of 2 (for example 512x512) and has four channels (RGBA).

2.) Stb library

The source for this example provides a stub which loads and write an image using the STB image library.

3.) Benchmarking

The source also contains a call to a benchmarking utility that will print the time taken to execute the SYCL code, the SYCL code should go inside the lambda that is passed to the benchmark function.

Though note that the benchmark facility provided measures whole application time which is less accurate than measuring the kernel execution times alone.

Try running the application and recording the benchmark result timing you see so you can compare this with results in later exercises.

Note if you are running on the host device the default iterations for the benchmark of 100 will take a while to execute so try reducing this number.

4.) Dimensionality

The reference code uses a 2-dimensional range in parallel_for as this often simplifies the code when working with images.

5.) Convolution filters

The image convolution support code provides a filter_type enum which allows you to choose between identity and blur. The utility for generating the filter data; generate_filter takes a filter_type and a width.

Build and execution hints

If you haven’t done so already, follow this guide to build the exercise directory structure.

Compiling with DPC++

From the syclacademy directory

cd build/Code_Exercises/Image_Convolution

and execute:

Alternatively from a terminal at the command line:

icpx -fsycl -o Image_Convolution_reference -I../../Utilities/include/ -I../../External/stb ../Code_Exercises/Image_Convolution/reference.cpp

In Intel DevCloud, to run computational applications, you will submit jobs to a queue for execution on compute nodes, especially some features like longer walltime and multi-node computation is only available through the job queue. Please refer to the [guide][devcloud-job-submission].

So wrap the binary into a script job_submission


and run:

qsub -l nodes=1:gpu:ppn=2 -d . job_submission

The stdout will be stored in job_submission.o<job id> and stderr in job_submission.e<job id>.

For DPC++: Using CMake to configure then build the exercise:

mkdir build
cd build
make Image_Convolution_reference

Alternatively from a terminal at the command line:

icpx -fsycl -o Image_Convolution_reference -I../../Utilities/include/ -I../../External/stb reference.cpp

For AdaptiveCpp:

# <target specification> is a list of backends and devices to target, for example
# "generic" compiles for CPUs and GPUs using the generic single-pass compiler.
# When in doubt, use "generic" as it usually generates the fastest binaries.
# Recent, full installations of AdaptiveCpp may not need targets to be provided,
# compiling for "generic" by default.
cmake -DSYCL_ACADEMY_USE_ADAPTIVECPP=ON -DSYCL_ACADEMY_INSTALL_ROOT=/insert/path/to/adaptivecpp -DACPP_TARGETS="<target specification>" ..
make Image_Convolution_reference

alternatively, without CMake:

cd Code_Exercises/Image_Convolution
/path/to/adaptivecpp/bin/acpp -o sycl-Image_Convolution_reference -I../../Utilities/include/ -I../../External/stb --acpp-targets="<target specification>" reference.cpp